Coding Horror: The Mysterious Cone of Uncertainty
early project estimates will always be wildly inaccurate
tips, interesting, notes to self, focus on software development
early project estimates will always be wildly inaccurate
In general, Java and Python don’t really mix. Their architectures, best-practices, object models, and philsophies are pretty divergent in a lot of ways. Because of this, you don’t often find them cohabiting peacefully.
However, there are significant advantages to be had by bringing these two environments together. Python is a really elegant language, and is very well-suited to whole classes of software development that are much more painful to tackle in Java. Java has its advantages as well: a very mature standard library, a huge array of third-party library support, fantastic development environments, and the backing of big players in IT. As always, there’s a right tool for each job, and sometimes Java works best, and sometimes Python works best, but a combination would truly be more than the sum of its parts.