in my opinion you actually can't; you're not able to make sure that a project is on budget, on time, and have all the planned features with high quality. there's always a risk, and you can only control any 2 out of the 3 factors at the projects: have your cake and eat it? - ingvald
frå artikkelen eg har lest:
"the only true measure of progress on a software development project is the delivery of working software. "
"potentially-shippable software at the end of each iteration"
"potentially-shippable software at the end of each iteration"
dette medfører forsåvidt helst iterasjonar på ein mnd eller kortare...
og ein liten provokasjon - du bør ikkje prøva å måla framgang ift planen du har laga...
"... instead of measuring progress against your plan, ... you should instead be focusing on ensuring ROI and product quality. "