April 27, 2006

DWR 2.0 milestone 1 does 'reverse Ajax'

DWR 2.0 milestone 1 does 'reverse Ajax': "Reverse Ajax: DWR 1.x allowed you to asynchronously call Java code from Javascript. DWR 2.0 builds on this to allow you to asynchronously call Javascript code from Java."

1 comment:

Ingvald said...

kommentar frå same TSS-side (eksempel-applikasjonen såg ikkje så dum ut).

'Reverse Ajax' = marketecture

Posted by: Jerry Anders on April 21, 2006 in response to Message #206355 0 replies in this thread

Good question Ravi. There is no such thing as 'Reverse AJAX'.

Joe is on to something, but it's more marketing than technology. As I'm sure you already know, AJAX, or, more specifically, xmlhttprequest, is a client-side technology that allows the browser to contact the server asynchronously. There is no such functionality that allows the server to contact the client asynchronously.

However, you can setup a polling mechanism that polls the server for content update (javascript, html, xsl, etc.) that can then be rendered via JS on the user's page.

A simple example is Live Comments -- a really, really dumb application, but one where I show just how simple this technique is (see www.gmail.net).
