(Running Tested Features)
A Metric Leading to Agility:
definisjon av RTF, innhaldet:
- "The desired software is broken down into named features (requirements, stories) which are part of what it means to deliver the desired system.
- For each named feature, there are one or more automated acceptance tests which, when they work, will show that the feature in question is implemented.
- The RTF metric shows, at every moment in the project, how many features are passing all their acceptance tests."
nok ein def., jf omgrepet:
- "Running means that the features are shipped in a single integrated product.
- Tested means that the features are continuously passing tests provided by the requirements givers -- the customers in XP parlance.
- Features? We mean real end-user features, pieces of the customer-given requirements, not techno-features like "Install the Database" or "Get Web Server Running"."
"How does RTF Cause Agility?
- RTF requires feature count to grow from day one. Therefore the team must focus on features, not design or infrastructure.
- RTF requires feature count to grow continuously. Therefore the team must integrate early and often.
- RTF requires features to be tested by independent tests. Therefore the team has comprehensive contact with a customer.
- RTF requires that tests continue to pass. Therefore the tests will be automated.
- RTF requires that the curve grow smoothly. Therefore the design will need to be kept clean.
- With RTF, more features is better. Therefore, the team will learn how to deliver features in a continuous, improving stream. They'll have to invent agility to do it."
Krev truleg bruk av i alle fall einingstestar og noko tilsvarande selenium...
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