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Angry 365 Days a Year Underpowered machines have two disadvantages. First, they are slower in performing the tasks required of them (or in some cases I have experienced, completely incapable of performing the tasks) which has a direct impact on productivity. Each task takes longer so less tasks get done each day. QED.
So here’s a tip for a quick easy win: give your CODE-IT workers two monitors. You might think I’m being flippant but there are a number of quite respectable studies that show a sharp improvement in productivity with multi-monitor setups. Monitors are getting cheaper every day
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Iceberg Sneak-Ins ...the most important rule about sneak-ins:
Everything looks easier than it really is.
New features are like icebergs. Most of the effort is invisible, hiding below the water, waiting to sink your project.
every project manager can choose to spend his life in one of two ways:
- Getting blamed because he forgot to tell everyone else how the features should work.
- Keeping an up-to-date spec and blaming everyone else for not reading it.
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Eclipse Wiki Editor Plugin in the context of Eclipse, it is a powerful project documentation tool linking documentation to eclipse resources, web sites, bug tracking tools and other Wikis.
* Link to local Wiki documents
* Link to resources in the Eclipse workspace
* Link to Wiki documentation in plugins
* Link to Java source code in the current project path simply by typing the fully qualified name of a class (classes in the default package are not supported).
* Link to urls — links starting with http, ftp, mailto and file