Flere av Norges største nettsteder har innledet en kampanje mot Internet Explorer 6.
Vil avlive forhatt nettleser - digi.no : Personlig teknologihmm - kanskje me endeleg kan byrja med graceful degradation?
"Graceful Degradation is the principle that
a web page should be
coded in such a way that if a browser cannot cope with something in it
the page can nonetheless be displayed in a simplified form." (
Ben's web prog.)
"Graceful degradation has two basic rules:
- Any browser must be able to view the content of the site.
- Any browser must be able to navigate the site."
"The simplest way to avoid box model problems is to make sure they don't
matter much. If your box has a fixed width, a 5px padding and a 1px border,
Explorer will show it 12px smaller than the other browsers. If the design is
fluid enough to accommodate this difference you don't need to worry."
fluid thinking, digital web mag.)
progressive enhancement...
poenget er vel at me kanskje har fått litt meir aksept for ulik oppleving i ulike weblesarar, ift ikkje-essensielle bells and whistles...