IE7 is a JavaScript library to make MSIE behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many CSS issues/IE7/
Blogged with the Flock Browser
tips, interesting, notes to self, focus on software development
IE7 is a JavaScript library to make MSIE behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many CSS issues/IE7/
Specialization in software development hurts our business! I'm not talking about the kind of specialization that leads to spend some more time in one area than in others. I'm talking about the specialization that leads us to have ... programmers that don't do anything else!Software Development Today: Why specialization in Software development is bad for business
This is not to say that we don't need people with particular strengths in some areas (called "generalizing specialists").
1. Did you complete the Active Task Yet?no. 1 and 2 is in effect info om MIT(s), the Most Important Task(s).
If not: 2. How Much Time is Remaining?
If not: 3. What are you awaiting?
If not: 4. What can we do to help you?
a problem I think is endemic in the industry these days [is] the inability or unwillingness to engage in rapid prototyping. Every successful project I've ever worked on (and I've worked on some fairly large enterprise-sized projects), we started by designing and coding a quick "throw-away" skeleton of the application, that let us look at how the thing worked, where the unseen warts were, and where the vendors had lied about their APIs, etc. This is the crucial and neglected stage in project design, one that most modern design paradigms ignore or actively discourage.The Hacker Ethic - Harming Developers? - O'Reilly Radar