May 9, 2006

Continuous Integration

ikkje heilt ferdig med artikkelen, men i fylgjande avsnitt jobbar me heilt oppskriftsmessig, heilt til siste biten (det som kjem etter "my commit"), jf sitat nedanfor.
kort sagt: anbefalt med jamnleg automatisk bygging/ deploying for ulike kundar...

Continuous Integration: "However my commit doesn't finish my work. At this point we build again, but this time on an integration machine based on the mainline code. Only when this build succeeds can we say that my changes are done. There is always a chance that I missed something on my machine and the repository wasn't properly updated. Only when my committed changes build successfully on the integration is my job done. This integration build can be executed manually by me, or done automatically by CruiseControl."
"Less time is spent trying to find bugs because they show up quickly."

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