September 29, 2006

WUI - alternativ til JSP

ser jo lovande ut...

WUI - Web User Interface Framework
JSP development sucks

Let's face it: no two browsers support HTML, XHML, CSS or JavaScript consistently. Wasn't Java supposed to let you "write once, run everywhere"? Well today you can, and you don't have to use applets.

JSPs were great in the infancy of Web development in Java. Today, it's clear that they're the wrong tool for the job. They promote model-1 programming and offer very little reuse potential for the application programmer. Sure there's TAGLIBs. They're no silver bullet: they're performance hogs, they add new dependencies, new semantics and offer very poor reuse capabilities unless you're the author of the tag library itself.

September 11, 2006

java vs scriptspråk

jf tanken om å ha eit "kjerneverktøy" og skilja ut så mykje som mogleg av perifere, isolerte ting og tang, eller "add-ons"... (td å legga til info for mange på ein gong)

sjekk diskusjon om sterke og svake sider ved kompilerte språk vs skript-språk.

enter jruby, som køyrer på jvm...

javaBin - Sun adopterer JRuby
JRuby er en implementasjon av programmeringsspråket Ruby i java som gjør det mulig å kjøre ruby-programmer på en JVM, og som også gir muligheter for tett integrasjon mellom java og ruby-kode. JRuby vil fortsette under samme open-source lisens som tidligere.

August 26, 2006

estimates, uncertainty

aint that the truth...

Coding Horror: The Mysterious Cone of Uncertainty
early project estimates will always be wildly inaccurate

August 24, 2006

vindubytte med stil

frå Inge:

Denne var ganske så stilig, og funker godt i praksis med de maskinenen vi bruker på utvikling. Er en erstatning for windows Alt+Tab, og gir en grafisk oversikt over tilgjengelige vinduer. Har prøvd lignende løsninger før, og de var altfor trege, denne er såpass kjapp at den kan brukes.

java og skriptspråk

interessante tankar...
gjeld vel for ting som php, pearl, ruby også

The Snowtide Blog » Blog Archive » Working Together: Python/Java & Open Source/Commercial
In general, Java and Python don’t really mix. Their architectures, best-practices, object models, and philsophies are pretty divergent in a lot of ways. Because of this, you don’t often find them cohabiting peacefully.

However, there are significant advantages to be had by bringing these two environments together. Python is a really elegant language, and is very well-suited to whole classes of software development that are much more painful to tackle in Java. Java has its advantages as well: a very mature standard library, a huge array of third-party library support, fantastic development environments, and the backing of big players in IT. As always, there’s a right tool for each job, and sometimes Java works best, and sometimes Python works best, but a combination would truly be more than the sum of its parts.

July 8, 2006

to skjermar...

Angry 365 Days a Year
Underpowered machines have two disadvantages. First, they are slower in performing the tasks required of them (or in some cases I have experienced, completely incapable of performing the tasks) which has a direct impact on productivity. Each task takes longer so less tasks get done each day. QED.
So here’s a tip for a quick easy win: give your CODE-IT workers two monitors. You might think I’m being flippant but there are a number of quite respectable studies that show a sharp improvement in productivity with multi-monitor setups. Monitors are getting cheaper every day

July 7, 2006

Iceberg Sneak-Ins

jf toppen av isfjell...

Iceberg Sneak-Ins
...the most important rule about sneak-ins:
Everything looks easier than it really is.
New features are like icebergs. Most of the effort is invisible, hiding below the water, waiting to sink your project.
every project manager can choose to spend his life in one of two ways:
  • Getting blamed because he forgot to tell everyone else how the features should work.
  • Keeping an up-to-date spec and blaming everyone else for not reading it.

July 6, 2006

eclipse wiki

hadde vore kjekt å ha...

Eclipse Wiki Editor Plugin
in the context of Eclipse, it is a powerful project documentation tool linking documentation to eclipse resources, web sites, bug tracking tools and other Wikis.

* Link to local Wiki documents
* Link to resources in the Eclipse workspace
* Link to Wiki documentation in plugins
* Link to Java source code in the current project path simply by typing the fully qualified name of a class (classes in the default package are not supported).
* Link to urls — links starting with http, ftp, mailto and file

June 28, 2006

dashboard, charts

kanskje noko for oss x2?

- kanskje verktøyet er interessant
- kanskje omgrepet dashboard er bra å bruka (jf k-hjul...)

WebCharts3D integrated with IBM’s Workplace Dashboard Framework
A dashboard, in this context, is basically a portlet that consolidates information and control for something
IBM's Workplace Dashboard Framework delivers reusable service-oriented components, robust administration tools, and dashboard-specific features
WebCharts3D from GreenPoint enables the creation of professional-quality, server-generated interactive charts ...
Based on XML standards, the product supports multiple popular formats including animated Flash, SVG, PDF, PNG, JPEG and GIF.
... can easily and quickly work with complex charts and graphs of any sort, analyze trends via dynamic visualizations of critical business data, and drill down into the data for more information.

June 23, 2006

virtuell maskin

jf openldap-nedlastning... Guide to create .vmx files for VMware Player
To create the new virtual machine you just need two files: a virtual machine configuration file (.vmx) and a virtual machine hard disk (.vmdk).
Technics and tools spreading on the web should produce both files to have a working virtual machine.

June 15, 2006

ADRC Data Recovery Tools

dersom me nokon gong skal gjera noko med den disken...

(mi utheving)
ADRC Data Recovery Tools: " do only critical recovery functions with minimum complexity. It gives you full control to undelete files, disk image back up, restore a backup image, copy files from hard disk with bad sectors, disk cloning, backup, edit and restore your boot parameters."

June 14, 2006

Hyperic - m.a. monitoring

Hyperic - The only open source solution to pinpoint, correct, and prevent problems across all IT environments: "Monitor every layer of your infrastructure

Collect real-time and historical metrics from your production hardware, network, and application layer of your infrastructure without invasive instrumentation."

June 13, 2006

[Ajazz] Asynchronous Data Objects in Javascript

(mine uthevingar)
[Ajazz] Asynchronous Data Objects in Javascript: "Ajazz implements asynchronously fetched client-side data objects for web applications using JavaScript, XMLHttpRequest objects (so-called 'Ajax' techniques), XML, and a program on the server called a listener, which acts as a sort of data dropoff and delivery service.
Ajazz is designed to be used with DHTML techniques to build responsive, scalable web applications that allow users to sift through large amounts of data without having to transmit it all from the server to the client at one time"

June 12, 2006

ViewVC: arvtagar for viewcvs?

trur denne er betre enn viewcvs. 

ViewVC: Repository Browsing
ViewVC is a browser interface for CVS and Subversion version control repositories.
The only hard software requirement for running ViewVC is Python 1.5.2 or later
If you plan to use ViewVC with CVS repositories, you need the following things:
  • RCS (Revision Control System)
  • GNU diff
  • Read-only, physical access to a CVS repository.
ViewVC integrates with additional pieces of software to provide certain bits of optional functionality:
  • MySQL — Needed to use the commit database query functionality.
  • GNU enscript — Needed for syntax highlighting in versioned file contents displays
  • CvsGraph — Needed for version graph displays.
  • Apache HTTP Server, or another server capable of running CGI programs — unless you just want ViewVC to run in standalone server mode.

June 9, 2006

B2B Usability

(min utheving)
B2B Usability (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
One of the biggest differences between B2B and B2C might be that most B2B companies don't seem to see themselves as engaged in e-commerce.
However, the lack of an Add to cart button doesn't mean that B2B vendors should ignore their websites. The site should still support the many other stages of the buying process -- including the post-sales stages, which are crucial to customers' long-term brand loyalty.
Most important, B2B sites can be great lead generators. Prospects use websites during their initial research and stick with the helpful sites during subsequent research.

The website represents the company to prospects. In today's world, people don't always save brochures and advertisements, because they assume they can find equivalent information on the Web when the need strikes. Most of our users also said that when they were thinking of doing business with a company, one of their first actions was to check out its website.
[among user-hostile design:]
The most user-hostile element of most B2B sites is a complete lack of pricing information. And yet, when we asked users to prioritize which of twenty-eight types of B2B site information mattered most to them, prices scored the highest by far (29% higher than product availability, which ranked second).

Sites have many excuses for not wanting to display prices, but they are just that: excuses. Users expect to get a basic understanding of products and services during their initial research, and they can't do that without some idea of what it's going to cost. Even if your company can't list exact prices, there are several ways to indicate price level, which is really all people need initially.

June 7, 2006

Dumbster - Fake SMTP Server

Dumbster - Fake SMTP Server : "The Dumbster is a very simple fake SMTP server designed for unit and system testing applications that send email messages. It responds to all standard SMTP commands but does not deliver messages to the user. The messages are stored within the Dumbster for later extraction and verification.
The Dumbster is written in Java and is open source."

June 6, 2006

ibm, ajax, dojo

(mine uthevingar)

AJAX Magazine: IBM Contributes Ajax Software Development Technology to Open Source Community
IBM today announced plans to contribute key intellectual assets to the open source community, in an effort to help companies and software developers adopt and share best practices for Ajax software development.
The software contributions will foster an industry collaboration and adoption of Ajax, a technology that improves web application responsiveness, and do so at a lower cost point and with less complexity. The technology contributions will extend the code already available in the Dojo Toolkit enabling internationalization of applications and making them fully accessible to persons with disabilities through a variety of assistive technologies, including DHTML and Accessible widgets. IBM's donation will also extend the data model already in the Dojo Toolkit and provide a foundation architecture and Web-based tools for the industry to engineer, collaborate on, share and reuse software development best practices.

May 28, 2006

bug; alvorlighet, hyppighet, omfang, risiko

kanskje noko å få inn i bug-rapport, dvs alle desse sidene ved ein bug. 
dvs, truleg berre risiko som manglar hjå oss.

My life as a Code Economist
Should we fix this bug or not?
There are four questions to ask yourself about every bug:

Question One
When this bug happens, how bad is the impact?  Severity

Question Two
How often does this bug happen?   Frequency

Question Three
How much effort would be required to fix this bug?   Cost

Question Four
What is the risk of fixing this bug?    Risk

Two of them are "customer questions", and the other two are "developer questions".

i tillegg såg eg i ein kommentar:

"But the most important question of all is missing:
Question 0. Do you know exactly what is causing the bug, and how?"


er dette verdt å vurdera å ta i bruk?

Lint4j Overview - Lint4j: "Lint4j ('Lint for Java') is a static Java source and byte code analyzer that detects locking and threading issues, performance and scalability problems, and checks complex contracts such as Java serialization by performing type, data flow, and lock graph analysis.

Lint4j was created to help software developers detect defects and security vulnerabilities before writing the first test case. Lint4j saves time during code reviews as well, so developers can focus on getting business logic right. The Ant and Maven plugins enable easy integration into continuous builds with Cruise Control, AntHill and others."


May 25, 2006

site optimization - inkl tabell vs css

ein del anna interessant der også - noko visste eg og anna hadde eg ikkje tenkt så mykje på...

Site Optimization Tutorial
".... table-based layouts are the de facto Web standard, and foremost because table-heavy designs have a nasty reputation for poor performance.

And CSS layout? It's faster, better, and smarter.
Even though pure CSS positioning is the ideal way to lay out a page, it can make your site look funny (if not ugly) for Internet Explorer 4 and Netscape 4.x users. That's still a fair enough shake of the Web audience. And while you can design CSS that degrades nicely in older browsers, it still tends to look, well, degraded. If what you want is the most cross-browser, cross-platform, business-friendly design solution, you still have to lay things out on the table.
CSS is cooler. And smaller. And in the long run, its better.
[But] Let's face it, sometimes right-now compatability trumps future-compatability.
Unfortunately, tables also increase the time it takes to display a Web page, and some times by a substantial amount.
[next page]
As tables get bigger, and nested into one another, the amount of info that needs processing increases exponentially.
Basically, you still need to do whatever you can to optimize table code. Or, better yet, avoid it altogether.
Accelerating fixed-width tables .... a CSS-1 style of {table layout: fixed} to a fixed-width table speeds up the display process in Netscape 6+ and IE5+.
[code example: ] table style="table-layout: fixed;" width="600"
Now, don't go abusing the browser's trust! If you apply the {table layout:fixed} style incorrectly, with WIDTHS that don't quite add up, the browser will catch the error during the rendering process and start things over from scratch.
[next page]
One old-school trick works, though — remembering that lots of little tables appear to render faster than one big, many-rowed table.
HTML editors ... produce amazingly inefficient code.
One notorious culprit associated with slow-to-the-screen Web pages has always been the nested table.
browsers have to work doubletime on tables. Unlike most page elements, tables absolutely require two passes of browser "reflow" (layout code-crunching)
A single-nested table requires two passes, plus one more, because the inner table must be partially re-rendered during outer table's rendering process. Nest three tables inside one another, and that makes for five passes of reflow. Nest five levels deep, and the browser loops through reflow routines nine times.
So avoid using nested tables whenever possible, even if it means making minor alterations or simplifications to page layout.
Even though table rendering speed issues are less problematic on modern PC hardware, table layouts still hamper screen readers and other accessibility-enhanced browsers. Nested tables doubly so. We're building Web pages here, not those little Russian dolls."

May 23, 2006

Coding Horror: Code Smells

Eit utvalg av "code smells"...

Coding Horror: Code Smells: "the most important guideline is to watch for warning signs in your own code-- so called 'code smells'"
  • Comments: There's a fine line between comments that illuminate and comments that obscure. .... Do they explain "why" and not "what"?

  • Long Method
    Sometimes length is justified, but all things being equal, a shorter method is easier to read, easier to understand, and easier to troubleshoot. ....

  • Long Parameter List
    The more parameters a method has, the more complex it is. Limit the number of parameters you need in a given method, or use an object to combine the parameters.

  • Duplicated code
    Duplicated code is the bane of software development ....

  • Large Class
    Large classes, like long methods, are difficult to read, understand, and troubleshoot. Does the class contain too many responsibilities? ....

  • Type Embedded in Name
    Avoid placing types in method names ....

  • Uncommunicative Name
    Does the name of the method succinctly describe exactly what that method does? If not, rename it or rewrite it. ....

  • Dead Code
    Ruthlessly delete code that isn't being used. That's why we have source control systems.

  • Speculative Generality
    Write code to solve today's problems, and worry about tomorrow's problems when they actually materialize. Everyone loses in the "what if.." school of design. You (Probably) Aren't Gonna Need It.

  • Temporary Field
    Watch out for objects that contain a lot of optional or unnecessary fields. If you're passing an object as a parameter to a method, make sure that you're using all of it and not cherry-picking single fields. ....

  • Shotgun Surgery
    A change in one class requires cascading changes in several related classes. Consider revamping your design so that the change is limited to a single class.

May 22, 2006

Coding Horror: Recommended reading for developers

Coding Horror: Recommended reading for developers: "Recommended reading for developers"

nokon av desse har me snakka om før, men det er vel berre eit bra teikn...

May 16, 2006

May 15, 2006

AJAX Magazine: Collection of 100 AJAX Tutorials

AJAX Magazine: Collection of 100 AJAX Tutorials: "Collection of 100 AJAX Tutorials

... including AJAX Activity Indicator, AJAX Bookmarklets, AJAX Chat, Client-Server Communication, AJAX Drag and Drop, Dynamically Content Loading, Forms and Autocomplete, Framework and Toolkit Tutorials, Getting Started with AJAX, AJAX Image and Gallery , Sortable List, AJAX Shopping Cart Tutorials, Sorting, Trees ..."

May 12, 2006


me gjer allereie noko av dette...

The Business of Software - Where have you been advertising for free?: "We've done a couple of segments on a local radio station.
Contact your local paper. .... Generated quite a few leads and a couple of contracts from a free article on the front page of the business section of the local paper.

We had another writup in a local publication that virtually everyone in business in our area receives and reads ... How did we get this? We called 'em up and said 'what does it take to get an article written' [?]
We try to obtain permission from our clients, in whatever we do for them, to prominently display our name and contact info. On a public web site, your name gets out. We even do it on private apps -- desktop type apps. We've gotten a large contract from a vendor of one of our clients because they used the app at our client's site and saw our name on the splash screen, and wanted a similar app of their own.

For several years (I no longer have the time) I was involved in a number of local programmers groups and would try to do a presentation at least once a quarter to the local techies. I haven't been active in these groups for at least the last 3 years, but I still get calls for work to this day (well, at least up through last week ). The contacts I made there will never dry up.

Pass out your business cards like there's no tomorrow.

Actually *ask* current clients/customers for referrals. If they're happy with your work/product, most will gladly recommend you.

I was quite amazed at what we got from simply putting a sign up in front of our office. .... have lead to some long-term client relationships.
Publicity is free. The most effective "advertising" is publicity: other people talking about your product or service with no compensation. Press releases are a start. Product reviews, being featured in articles, etc. are also publicity.

... what you are looking for is publicity.

May 11, 2006

historikk med svn (cvs-alternativ)

jf historikk...

Configuration Management Using Subversion: "Relational databases and the relational data modeling concentrate on efficient data storage and retrieval. The history tables do not model naturally with relational databases.
There is no support for versioning from the database. The application has to carefully store the entries into the history tables either through triggers or some other custom techniques.
It's up to the application to determine what changed between versions. The retrieval of historical information from the history tables is also specific to the history table storing the data.
The relational databases should still be the repository for storing and retrieving transactional data. They excel in managing these critical data assets. The shortcomings listed above are confined to storing multiple versions of data entities within the relational data store and tracking such entities over time."

frå opprinneleg artikkel:

"Today's enterprise applications are often required to not just store data, but also keep track of all the changes that are made. This expectation also permeates into an associated set of requirements, such as tracking the reason for each change, the time of the change etc.
Applications can use a combination of relational databases and Subversion to satisfy data management and data tracking requirements. .... Subversion would be the primary data source for use-cases for tracking"

May 10, 2006

Guide to Using AJAX and XMLHttpRequest from WebPasties

dette er ein tutorial på det som vel er kjernen av ajax.

Guide to Using AJAX and XMLHttpRequest from WebPasties: "The purpose of this article is to demonstrate through a series of baby steps just how easy it is to use the XMLHttpRequest object."

May 9, 2006

Continuous Integration

ikkje heilt ferdig med artikkelen, men i fylgjande avsnitt jobbar me heilt oppskriftsmessig, heilt til siste biten (det som kjem etter "my commit"), jf sitat nedanfor.
kort sagt: anbefalt med jamnleg automatisk bygging/ deploying for ulike kundar...

Continuous Integration: "However my commit doesn't finish my work. At this point we build again, but this time on an integration machine based on the mainline code. Only when this build succeeds can we say that my changes are done. There is always a chance that I missed something on my machine and the repository wasn't properly updated. Only when my committed changes build successfully on the integration is my job done. This integration build can be executed manually by me, or done automatically by CruiseControl."
"Less time is spent trying to find bugs because they show up quickly."

May 2, 2006

om java... (humor)


The Joel on Software Discussion Group - Why do I need to know UNIX?:
"Java is write-once, debug-everywhere..."

30 second AJAX Tutorial

han som starta php, med litt under ein skjerm med js-kode for å ha noko ajax oppe og køyra...

'[PHP] Rasmus' 30 second AJAX Tutorial - [was Re: [PHP] AJAX & PHP]' - MARC: "I find a lot of this AJAX stuff a bit of a hype. Lots of people have been using similar things long before it became 'AJAX'. And it really isn't as complicated as a lot of people make it out to be. Here is a simple example"

April 27, 2006

DWR 2.0 milestone 1 does 'reverse Ajax'

DWR 2.0 milestone 1 does 'reverse Ajax': "Reverse Ajax: DWR 1.x allowed you to asynchronously call Java code from Javascript. DWR 2.0 builds on this to allow you to asynchronously call Javascript code from Java."

April 26, 2006

frysa øydelagt harddisk

og fleire tips om databerging...

Går det an å fikse en defekt harddisk?:
Skrevet av: John , 26.04.2006 kl. 09:10
"Det finnes en teori om at man kan legge slike harddisker i fryseren, i en tett pose eller noe for å unngå kondens, og at disken igjen kan funke i kort periode. Forhåpentligvis lenge nok til å redde dataene. Teorien er at kulden får metallet til å trekke seg sammen og at dette sette lesehodet på plass for en kort stund. Jeg ville vel bare prøvd det som helt siste utvei. Her er en kar som har prøvd det i praksis :

Skrevet av: Svein-E , 26.04.2006 kl. 10:16
"Har faktisk gjort dette selv med stor suksess.
Hadde en 120GB disk full av feriebilder som ikke ville mer(Veldig Trist..). La den i fryseren og da var disken med i noen minutter, men ikke lenge nok til at jeg fikk ut alt. La den derfor imellom to brett med isterninger og disken fungerte i over time mens jeg kopierte ut dataene mine."

April 25, 2006 - Kjøp to eller tre skjermer til alle - Kjøp to eller tre skjermer til alle: "arbeidsgivere burde [gi] veldig mange av sine ansatte to skjermer, påpeker analyseselskapet.

Produktiviteten trenger bare å øke noen prosent for å rettferdiggjøre to skjermer fordi det er blitt så billig.
For veldig mange typer brukere blir mer produktive med to skjermer og enkelte kan til og med dra nytte av tre.
En tredje skjerm kan være nyttig som en ren oppslagsskjerm med tilgang til datakilder og nettsøk for mange brukere, mener Gartner."

creates complete, working J2EE applications from a database or UML model

JAG 6.0 released: Tapestry 4, XFire SOAP & Acegi Security: "JAG is a Swing application that creates complete, working J2EE applications from a database or UML model.

JAG 6.0 adds support for Java5-based templates. The template makes extensive use use of Java 5 annotations and generics and uses Hibernate 3 for persistence. For the presentation tier, either Tapestry or Struts can be selected.

The following improvements have been made in the 6.0 release:
Tapestry 4 support
XFire SOAP framework (based on STAX)
Acegi security login
Rome RSS feed support
Many to many relations support
Jasper PDF Reports
generation of a Intellij 5 project file for a web application"

April 21, 2006

Business Intelligence and Reporting with BIRT

Java Feature — Business Intelligence and Reporting with BIRT @ JAVA DEVELOPER'S JOURNAL: "Open Source Business Intelligence software is finally coming into its own, with three major players coming to the fore: JasperReports, Pentaho, and BIRT (Business Intelligence and reporting tools). Business Intelligence technology comprises solutions for delivering enterprise data in the form of customizable reports, facilitating such practices as data mining and decision support systems. Of the three leading projects, both JasperReports and BIRT are commercial Open Source; they are backed by JasperSoft and BI veteran Actuate respectively. Pentaho uses the more traditional collaborative Open Source model. One of BIRT's distinguishing features is that it's an official Eclipse project, giving it a strong endorsement by one of the leading forces in the Java community. Our team chose BIRT after some due diligence on the other two because of our prior experience with Actuate and deep appreciation of all things Eclipse.

This article presents a 'first experience' approach to BIRT."

March 20, 2006

open office og edb, ergogroup - OpenOffice klar for norske erobringer: "EDB og ErgoGroup som har hjulpet henholdsvis Kongsberg og Kvinnherad kommune med å integrere OpenOffice i sine saks- og arkivsystemer.

Både EDB og ErgoGroup har nå en uttalt strategi om å levere åpne saks- og arkivløsninger."

XML/SWF Charts

XML/SWF Charts: "XML/SWF Charts is a simple, yet powerful tool to create attractive web charts and graphs from dynamic XML data.

Create an XML source to describe a chart, then pass it to this tool's flash file to generate the chart. The XML source can be prepared manually, or generated dynamically using any scripting language (PHP, ASP, CFML, Perl, etc.)

XML/SWF Charts makes the best of both the XML and SWF worlds. XML provides flexible data generation, and Flash provides the best graphic quality."

March 16, 2006 - Intel lanserer billig Linux-drevet filtjener

vår neste filserver? - Intel lanserer billig Linux-drevet filtjener: "Enheten tar opp til fire 3,5 tommers SATA-disker på mellom 80 GB og 500 GB hver
Enheten installeres og konfigureres ... ved hjelp av en veiviser i et web-grensesnitt. En innebygget FTP-server sørger for filoverføringene.
Prisen er antydet til å ligge fra 700 til 2000 dollar"

såg også nokre lenker i kommentarane:
* TerraStation 1.0TB Nettverksdisk
* eit open source-prosjekt/ lagrings-server

March 13, 2006

Java Script Development Tools

scriptaculous wiki: "Java Script Development Tools"

tips frå Inge.

March 9, 2006


eg drar gjerne på tssjs 2006....

TSSJS BOF: Web Framework Sweet Spots: "The objective of this BOF is to discuss the various open source web frameworks and what each does well. Matt kicks off the discussion by highlighting the good features of various frameworks, (results of pre-conference discussions with various framework authors to get their opinions on what problems their framework solves best) as well as debunk some myths based on audience members real-world experiences.

Yesterday, I sent an e-mail the authors of the most popular web frameworks in JavaLand. In my opinion, these are (in alphabetical order): Cocoon, JSF, RIFE, Seam, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Struts, Trails, Tapestry, WebWork and Wicket."

March 8, 2006

Spring Web Flow 1.0 EA Released

Spring Web Flow 1.0 EA Released: "SWF allows you to capture logical page flows as self-contained controller modules that are reusable in different situations. The system is ideal for web applications that guide users through controlled interactions that support business processes. These user interactions, or conversations, typically span HTTP requests and may be dynamic and transactional in nature.

As an embeddable page flow and conversational state engine, Spring Web Flow integrates with existing frameworks such as Spring MVC, Spring Portlet MVC, JSF, and Struts."

synest eg såg at Tapestry-støtte også var på planen.

March 6, 2006

A Metric Leading to Agility (RTF)

bra måte å måla tilstand/ framgang på?

(Running Tested Features)
A Metric Leading to Agility:
definisjon av RTF, innhaldet:

  1. "The desired software is broken down into named features (requirements, stories) which are part of what it means to deliver the desired system.
  2. For each named feature, there are one or more automated acceptance tests which, when they work, will show that the feature in question is implemented.
  3. The RTF metric shows, at every moment in the project, how many features are passing all their acceptance tests."

nok ein def., jf omgrepet:

  • "Running means that the features are shipped in a single integrated product.
  • Tested means that the features are continuously passing tests provided by the requirements givers -- the customers in XP parlance.
  • Features? We mean real end-user features, pieces of the customer-given requirements, not techno-features like "Install the Database" or "Get Web Server Running"."


"How does RTF Cause Agility?

  • RTF requires feature count to grow from day one. Therefore the team must focus on features, not design or infrastructure.
  • RTF requires feature count to grow continuously. Therefore the team must integrate early and often.
  • RTF requires features to be tested by independent tests. Therefore the team has comprehensive contact with a customer.
  • RTF requires that tests continue to pass. Therefore the tests will be automated.
  • RTF requires that the curve grow smoothly. Therefore the design will need to be kept clean.
  • With RTF, more features is better. Therefore, the team will learn how to deliver features in a continuous, improving stream. They'll have to invent agility to do it."

Krev truleg bruk av i alle fall einingstestar og noko tilsvarande selenium... - Markedsmodeller for åpen kildekode - Markedsmodeller for åpen kildekode: "Programvare kan ikke lenger sees på som et produkt, men som en prosess. Programvare er ikke lenger noe som utvikles i de lukkede (bedrifts)rom, men i samarbeid, og hvor kundedeltagelsen ikke er det minst viktige elementet."

March 3, 2006 - BEA åpner kildekode - BEA åpner kildekode: "BEA ... frigi[r] kildekoden av sine Kodo Java Persistence API-er basert på spesifikasjonen Enterprise Java Beans 3.0 (EJB3) .... Open JPA.
[vil gi fordeler for de som] utvikle[r] etter en blandingsmodell med kommersiell programvare og rammeverk av åpen kildekode. "

March 2, 2006

der ajax fekk namnet sitt...

i denne artikkelen vart Ajax skrive for fyrste gong.

adaptive path » ajax: a new approach to web applications: "Ajax isn’t a technology. It’s really several technologies, each flourishing in its own right, coming together in powerful new ways. Ajax incorporates:

* standards-based presentation using XHTML and CSS;
* dynamic display and interaction using the Document Object Model;
* data interchange and manipulation using XML and XSLT;
* asynchronous data retrieval using XMLHttpRequest;
* and JavaScript binding everything together."

February 27, 2006

jfor/ fop

Mailing list archives: "I suggest you upgrade to FOP 0.91beta which includes RTF support."

ser ut som om utvikling går sakte men seint vidare i FOP...

February 10, 2006 Eclipse ResourceBundle Editor 0.7.4 released Eclipse ResourceBundle Editor 0.7.4 released: "Eclipse ResourceBundle Editor 0.7.4 released

Otherwise, this is a maintenance release fixing a few bugs"

m.a. "vår" bug...

February 2, 2006 - IT-giganter vil standardisere Ajax - IT-giganter vil standardisere Ajax: "I dag ble stiftelsen av en nytt initiativ - Open Ajax, annonsert. Bak initiativet står tolv aktører, BEA, Borland, the Dojo Foundation, Eclipse Foundation, IBM, Laszlo Systems, Mozilla Corporation, Novell, Openwave Systems, Oracle, Red Hat, Yahoo, Zend og Zimbra.

Selskapene ønsker å gjøre det enklere for et åpen kildekodefellesskap å utforme og popularisere Ajax. De ønsker å trekke fram Ajax' løfte om universell kompatibilitet med enhver dataenhet, applikasjon, skrivbordsmiljø eller operativsystem. Det skal også være enkelt å innlemme i både ny og eksisterende programvare."

January 31, 2006 "27 Jan 2006 - JFreeChart 1.0.1 has been released." - Imponert over RTV og åpne standarder - Imponert over RTV og åpne standarder: "10 prosent av Rikstrygdeverkets utbetalinger (ca 4 prosent av statsbudsjettet) håndteres av åpne standarder i en løsning som har vakt internasjonal oppsikt.
XML-standarden ebXML, hvor "eb" står for "e-business". ebXML, sammen med standardiserte dataelementer (Core Components) og tilhørende semantikk (entydige datadefinisjoner), utgjør i dag det viktigste rammeverk for elektronisk samhandling basert på åpne standarder."

January 26, 2006

Essiembre Java Libraries - Struts Extensions

Essiembre Java Libraries - Struts Extensions: "The Essiembre Struts Extensions are a set of classes extending upon or adding new features to the Struts framework. It basically increases support for internationalization"

..inkludert feilmeldingar (exceptions) i aktuelt språk.

bryr me oss om å utvida struts-greier no?

moo.fx - the next small thing

generelt interessant med små bibliotek...

moo.fx - the next small thing: "moo.fx is not a replacement for or other effects libraries. It's just a little alternative for people (like me) that do not need more than just simple, basic effects (and want to keep their filesize small)."

January 4, 2006

Java performance tuning tips

ein god del lenker med kort, punktvis oppsummering om kva råda går utpå.

Java performance tuning tips